Does your dog have selective hearing?

Would you like to build a more reliable recall and feel more confident?

If letting your dog offlead fills you with dread then you’re in the right place.

Reliable Recallers is for you!

Nobody wants to spend their whole walk trying to catch their dog as they zoom past at 100mph!

It can end up in resentment, dreading walks and often means off lead walks stop or reduce significantly.

So wouldn’t it be helpful if you could get some expert advice, on a 1-1 basis on how to train your dog to come back no matter the distraction?

I know the internet has all sorts of answers on recall and you’re no doubt feeling overwhelmed by all the advice given to you. That’s where I can help.

Using my knowledge and experience, along with a kind and empathetic approach - I can help to support you with all the advice and knowledge you need to make your walks enjoyable again.

But how?

Our Reliable Recall programme includes all the below to really set you off on the right track!

  • Three x 60 minute training sessions (online or in person) to teach you the techniques needed.

  • Information gathering from you prior to our session.

  • Written exercises after each session, tailored to you & your individual dog so you know exactly what to do.

  • A recall e-book detailing games & troubleshooting advice so you are armed with the knowledge going forward.

  • Direct e-mail support to answer any of your burning questions during our time together

  • Information and guidance from a qualified, ethical and knowledgable professional

  • Access to our private facebook group to meet others in a similar boat and share ideas and experiences

  • Peace of mind knowing that you’ve got all the help you need to get you off on the right track.

Investment; £150

In-person sessions are available in Tidworth, Amesbury, Andover, Stockbridge, Larkhill, Durrington, Bulford, Netheravon, Upavon or within a 15 mile radius of Tidworth. Anything outside of this area will be conducted online unless arranged prior.

This is for you if…

  • You want to enjoy walks again

  • You want to improve your dogs recall around distractions

  • You want to work with someone who is up to scratch, an experienced trainer and also a qualified behaviourist who truly cares about your dog.

  • You’re confused by all the conflicting advice on the internet, or given to you by others

“Heather recently did some 1:2:1 training with my pup and I on recall. She showed me the correct way to use the long line, offered great tips and was so fantastic with him that after just 2 sessions he’s already trotting back to me when I call!”

-Lucy & Harley


  • Yes. Our programmes can be carried out online or in person.

  • Whilst the internet has lots of good advice to offer, it also has lots of bad! There is no way of knowing what advice is correct or incorrect and I’ve unfortunately seen the fallout from when it goes wrong. I am a fully qualified trainer and behaviourist, and all my knowledge is up to date!

  • I can never guarantee results as there are so many factors involved. However with the knowledge and techniques given to you, you will be armed with everything you need to improve your dogs wakling if you put in the work.

  • I use a science-based, kind and ethical approach to training.

  • If you decide you’d like further support following our session then this can be arranged.

  • Following our session, everything will be emailed over to you, along with a recording of our session so you’ll have everything you need to refer back to!